Rereading Possession

Book by A.S. Byatt

First, let me gush a little bit. Nothing can be more romantic than a Victorian setting paralleled with a present day counterpart. Add it with a tie in movie and voila, perfect cream cake.

On reading this book, I love the part that it shows you the back and forth correspondence of Randolph Ash and Chistable LaMotte. Those letters started with a detached tone which somehow over a period of time became intimate. You would be able to notice that the salutations starts with Dear Miss LaMotte/Mr Ash to Dear Friend through My Dear. Each letter seem to be longer and longer. More elaborate. Then it started that they exchange in opinions of each other's work by sending a draft copy. He even confided to her that she was his muse. She was elated. More discussion ensues till it is not enough to express their feelings through writing. Eventually, they have to meet. From there, the trouble began and ended.

This is the third time I read it. Although, I usually skim through the poetry portion, it is still a good read. The ending seem to be sad but the fact that there would be a future revelation seem to me as satisfying. It doesn't hurt that the book has a good movie version. I'll forever put this as one of my favorite list.
