Museum of Modern Art - Part 5 2008

One of the things that I like about impressionist art is the color. When it first had its exhibition in Paris, it was frowned upon. It was totally different from the old art which consistent with clean lines, grim subjects and darker colors. Impressionist paintings has pastel colors, has light subjects and blurred lines. It plays with imagination. It gives you an impression of being laid back. No worries.

One of Monet's landscape paintings. Monet was one of the primary painters that started the impressionistic period. He became blind as he grew older. He still painted the same subjects with memory. His older works looks more a play of colors. All lines were all blurred.

One article that I read on Art News dealt with art forensics. The experts took one of Monet's work, analyzed the location he painted on. It turned out he made that particular painting on the terrace of a nearby hotel. Amazing!
