My favorite place

Nothing can make my day than to curl up on our living room couch and read through the day. Often times Madison needs attention that it was impossible for me to have that solitude I was craving for. Not to be deterred, I often turn on the tv and let her watch cartoons. This seem to solve my problem, at least temporarily. If I can finished up a chapter or two then I am happy.

My favorite place at home, the living room couch. It is a place in the house where we can get a lot of light. Often times the sun blazing through the sliding door and the skylight that in winter time, it is the coziest place on earth.

Here are some of the hard to put down books that I have been devouring the last few weeks:

The Killer of Little Shepherds by Douglas Starr

My background wasn't from the science field but I can't get enough of CSI or anything to do with forensic science. It is about the story of a serial killer in 19th century France and the criminologist that put together the pieces of evidence to find clues. It is the birth of forensic science.

I read this book with skepticism, thinking that I would be bored after the first page but it didn't. What it did kept me all night reading through chapters. I haven't finished it yet but it is a real page turner.

Rich Boy by Sharon Pomerantz

Talk about great fiction, this is a bittersweet novel of a man that rise from his humble middle class beginnings to the upper class New York society. It took me about one weekend to finished this one.

How about you? What is your favorite place at home?


docgelo said…
with that comfy looking corner in your nook, i cannot blame you for spending endless hours curling up with a good book. but i consider it a luxury for myself to spend a whole day just being lazy!
MichDom said…
Hello doc, we recently had more than enough snow days that we couldn't get out of our lair. The upside of it all was able to catch up on reading. :)