A Masterpiece

Who knew that a period piece has so much soap opera? Matthew loves Mary, Anna and Bates, Sybil and Branson, Lord Grantham and ....So much angst. I love it!

Here is a short clip of what makes Downton Abbey so addicting. It is a scene of what is happening upstairs where they introduced a new heir to the estate. He  is a lawyer by profession and wants to continue working while running the estate. This caused the nobles to look down on his profession. Watch how the dowager countess' question, you could get a sense on how idle their life had been.

Lady Grantham is an American heiress. Her Mother is coming to Downton Abbey on Season 3. Looking forward to the swinging barbs between her and the Dowager Countess. I can't wait.


Lavender Honey said…
Did you see the Downton Abbey Christmas Special? I got addicted too last holiday break and watched the full two seasons en masse every night.
MichDom said…
I did see it. I couldn't be more happy with the outcome. Too much tugging between the Mary & Matthew - I couldn't take another burst of angst. Funny, I got hooked on watching it when I was stuck at home on a snow day. I saw 8 episodes in one day! They really know how to edit those scenes on the next episode. I can't wait for the 3rd season.