Promoting Tourism series 1

A collection of booths and ads seen at streetfairs in NYC last Fall.

I love those colorful artwork. Very catchy.
Turkey has been on my radar list. One day I hope to see and explore-and maybe blog about it.
Thailand. They have the biggest and most popular booth on the street.
They gave out food samples such as papaya salad.
Were you enticed to pack up and travel? I know I am.


docgelo said…
did i just miss it or there was really no booth for pinas? awww..
i've been to bangkok and would not mind going back there again.
here's to more travels and adventures to you!

thanks for visiting beyond toxicity and may you have a more blessed 2011! cheers!

PS: i'll officially include you in my blogroll. :D
MichDom said…
On my years in visiting these NYC streetfairs, I haven't seen any Pinas tourism booths nor posters even on Phil. Independence parade. Its sad.

Have a happy and prosperous New Year!