Korea series: Kids Fair 2011

We were supposed to walk around the Coex mall when we stumbled an ongoing Kids Fair for educational items. The inquiry took about a half hour run around since everyone we asked kept us pointing to another person. It turned out that we had to fill up a form for our information and since we were in the children's apparel business, they eventually waived our entrance fee.

I have attended my share of children's business industry trade shows in New York City so I am excited to visit one in Seoul.

It turns out the the Kids Fair was open to the public. Lined up are all Moms with their children in tow. The event also provides free stroller rentals. 

See how huge this place was. 

The items on display are available for purchase. Most of the items I have seen were European brands, they are also the pricey ones.

This is something familiar. 

With all the fancy booths around, the Korean Mothers are only interested in one -- the book isle. Most of the books are in Hangul but I got a couple of free items that I gave to Madison.

The Pororo booth. It is the local kids animation character. Very much Korean.

This exhibition is inside the Coex mall. It felt like we went into a local event. We must be the only tourist here since I am the only one snapping photos on every corner. 

I still have more anecdotes from my last Korea trip. I will share photos from a unique tea house in Insadong and from another exhibition, the Korean Food Expo. 
